< 1> #! /bin/bash
< 2> 
< 3> # /etc/cron.daily/fmirror
< 4> #
< 5> # run the scheduled fmirror jobs. 
< 6> #
< 7> # Author: Craig Sanders 
< 8> #
< 9> # Copyright status: This script is copyright and licensed under the
<10> # terms of the GNU General Public License.
<11> #
<12> # Revision History:
<13> # v0.1: Dec 1997
<14> #   - first version, not released to public.  various config values were
<15> #     hard-coded into the script.
<16> # v0.2 1998-01-10
<17> #   - modified to use /etc/fmirror/config for all user-changeable
<18> #     configuration values (JOBS, NUMLOGS, and RUN_IN_BACKGROUND)
<19> # v0.3 1998-01-10
<20> #   - added support for daily and weekly jobs
<21> #   - added lots of helpful comments in the config file
<22> # v0.4 1998-03-15
<23> #   - used tempfile to get a tempory file for security reasons.
<25> #set -x
<27> confdir=/etc/fmirror
<28> logdir=/var/log/fmirror
<30> # if logdir doesn't exist then create it.
<31> [ -d $logdir ] || mkdir -p $logdir
<33> # read in the config file
<34> . $confdir/config
<36> # allow command line override of which jobs to run
<37> if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
<38>     MIRRORS="$@"
<39> else
<40>     MIRRORS=$JOBS
<41> fi
<43> # strip off .conf in case the user has ignored the instructions in
<44> # /etc/fmirror/config saying to list only the base name.
<45> MIRRORS=$(echo $MIRRORS | sed -e 's/\.conf//')
<47> do_it() {
<48>     run=/var/run/fmirror.$1
<49>     if [ ! -e $run ] ; then 
<50>         touch $run
<51>         tmpfile=`tempfile --name /tmp/fmirror.log.$1.$$.$(date +%s)`
<52>         LOG=$logdir/$1.log
<54>         (
<55>             [ -e $LOG ] && savelog -c $NUMLOGS $LOG 
<57>             # run the mirror job
<58>             rm -f ls-lR ls-lR.gz
<59>             conf="$confdir/$1.conf"
<60>             fmirror -f $conf >/dev/null
<62>             # create the local ls-lR.gz file
<63>             localdir=`grep -i "^localdir:" $conf | cut -f2`
<64>             cd $localdir
<65>             # use full path to ls, just in case it is aliased to 'ls -F' or
<66>             # something.
<67>             /bin/ls -lR >ls-lR
<68>             gzip -9f ls-lR 
<69>         ) >$tmpfile 2>&1
<71> 	if [ -n "$MAILTO" ] ; then
<72> 	  cat $tmpfile | mail $MAILTO
<73> 	fi
<75>         rm -f $run
<76>         mv $tmpfile $LOG
<77>     fi
<78> }
<80> for i in $MIRRORS ; do
<81>     if [ "$RUN_IN_BACKGROUND" = "1" ] ; then 
<82>         do_it $i &
<83>     else
<84>         do_it $i
<85>     fi
<86> done