< 1> # This is a generic config-file that should be uses as a basis when creating
< 2> # custom config files
< 3> # All lines starting with a non-letter is considered a comment.
< 4> # Also blank lines are treated as comments.
< 5> 
< 6> # Fill in with useful values
< 7> username:	anonymous
< 8> password:	yohei@ec.hokudai.ac.jp
< 9> host:	ftp.win.ne.jp
<10> remotedir: /pub/network/mail/qmail/
<11> localdir:	/home/ftp/pub/MAIL/imap-patch/
<13> # These excludes rules should normally be first, they will exclude the
<14> # most common junk and uninteresting files. They also ensure that you
<15> # don't mirror any temporary files created by fmirror or the
<16> # perl mirror package.
<17> exclude:	f	^(\.in\.|\.mirror|core$|MIRROR\.LOG|\.notar|\.message)
<18> exclude:	f	^(\.cache|\.zipped|lost\+found|Network Thrash Folder)
<20> # Exclude bin, etc, lib directories (by root 2000.2.25)
<21> exclude:   p       ^(bin/|etc/|lib/) 
<25> # Put your own includes and excludes here