# mirror Vine username: anonymous password: epftp@ep.sci.hokudai.ac.jp host: ring.tains.tohoku.ac.jp remotedir: /pub/linux/Vine/ #host: ftp.eos.hokudai.ac.jp #remotedir: /pub/Linux/Vine/ #host: ftp.riken.go.jp #remotedir: /pub/Linux/vine/ #host: ftp.jaist.ac.jp #remotedir: /pub/os/linux/Vine/ #host: ftp.kobe-u.ac.jp #remotedir: /pub/Linux/packages/Vine/ localdir: /home/ftp/.hd01/Vine/ #loglevel: 2 #compressed: 1 #decompressor: gzip #decompressor_opt: -dc #dircmd: RETR ls-lR.gz # the normal excludes first exclude: f ^(\.in\.|\.mirror|core$|MIRROR\.LOG|\.notar|\.message) exclude: f ^(\.cache|\.zipped|lost\+found|Network Trash Folder) exclude: p ^(bin/|etc/|lib/) #exclude: np ^updates/ exclude: np ^TestPkg/src/ #exclude: np ^(Vine-1.0/|Vine-1.1/) #exclude: np ^(Vine-2.0/|Vine-2.1/) #exclude: np ^Vine-2.1.5/ #exclude: np ^VinePlus/ #exclude: np ^beta/ #exclude: np ^apt/ #exclude: np ^(.beta/) exclude: np ^(VineSeed/) #exclude: p (^|/)1.0/ #exclude: p (^|/)1.1/ #exclude: np ^(beta/.Vine-2.5/) #exclude: np ^(Vine-2.0/) # exclude the uncompressed Contents and Packages files, and all ls-lR files include: if Packages-.*\.gz$ include: if Contents-.*\.gz$ #exclude: if Contents- #exclude: if Packages- exclude: if ls-lR # dont get source #exclude: p (^|/)source/ # get binaries only for intel, and all #include: p (^|/)(disks|binary)-(all|i386)/ #exclude: p (^|/)(msdos|disks|binary)-.*/ #exclude: if _(alpha|m68k|sparc|powerpc)\.deb$