Selected scientific papers by Kosuke Heki (日本語) (full publication list)

Space Geodesy profile lecture note news articles program


Heki, K., Paleomagnetic study of the Higashi-Izu monogenetic volcano group and pyroclastic flow deposits in Kagoshima Prefecture: paleosecular variation during the last 40,000 years in Japan, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 35, 383-390, 1983. comments full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Y. Hamano and M. Kono, Rotation of the Peruvian Block from palaeomagnetic studies of the Central Andes, Nature, 305, 514-516, 1983.comments + abstract(html) full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Y. Hamano, H. Kinoshita, A. Taira and M. Kono, Paleomagnetic study of Cretaceous rocks of Peru, South America: evidence for rotation of the Andes, Tectonophysics, 108, 267-281, 1984. full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Y. Hamano and M. Kono, Oroclinal bending of the Central Andes from paleomagnetic studies, The Earth Monthly, 6, 621-629, 1984. (in Japanese) full text (pdf)

Heki, K., The inverse problem of instantaneous plate kinematics by using VLBI network, Rock Mag. Paleogeophys., 11, 120-124, 1984. comments full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Y. Hamano and M. Kono, Paleomagnetic study of the Cretaceous Atajana Formation and the Arica dike swarm, Northernmost Chile, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 37, 107-117, 1985. full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Y. Hamano, M. Kono and T. Ui, Palaeomagnetism of Neogene Ocros dyke swarm, the Peruvian Andes: implication for the Bolivian orocline, Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc., 80, 527-534, 1985. comments + abstract full text (pdf)

Heki, K., VLBI and rock magnetism, RRL News, No. 112, 1985.(in Japanese) full text (pdf)

Tsunakawa, H., K. Heki and K. Amano, Paleomagnetism of the Shimokura dike swarm in Northeast Japan, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 37, 979-985, 1985. full text (pdf)

Kono, M., K. Heki and Y. Hamano, Paleomagnetic study of the Central Andes: counterclockwise rotation of the Peruvian Block, J. Geodynamics, 2, 193-209, 1985. full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Measuring the cotinental drift with radio waves from stars, Kagaku Asahi, 45, No. 6, 25-29, 1985. (in Japanese) comments full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Y. Takahashi, T. Kondo, N. Kawaguchi, F. Takahashi and N. Kawano, The relative movement of the North American and Pacific plates in 1984-1985, detected by the Pacific VLBI network, Tectonophysics, 144, 151-158, 1987.full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Kalman filtering technique for Very Long Baseline Interferometry, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 33, 337-345, 1987.comments + abstract full text (pdf) (in Japanese with English abstract)

Heki, K., Y. Takahashi and T. Kondo, The baseline length changes of circumpacific VLBI networks and their bearing on global tectonics, IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas., 38, 680-683, 1989. comments + abstract

Yoshino, T., Y. Takahashi, N. Kawaguchi, K. Heki, K. Yokoyama and S. Manabe, Intercomparison of the earth rotation parameters determined by two independent VLBI networks, Astron. Astrophys., 224, 316-320, 1989.

Heki, K., The Earth viewed with VLBI, Kagaku, 59, 316-319, 1989. (in Japanese) full text (pdf)


Heki, K., Three approaches to improve the estimation accuracies of the vertical VLBI station positions, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 36, 143-154, 1990.comments + abstract full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Y. Takahashi and T. Kondo, Contraction of northeastern Japan: evidence from horizontal displacement of a Japanese station in global very long baseline interferometry networks, Tectonophysics, 181, 113-122, 1990.comments + abstract full text (pdf)

Otsuki, K., K. Heki and T. Yamazaki, New data which support the `laws of convergence rate of plates' proposed by Otsuki, Tectonophysics, 172, 365-368, 1990.full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) - Principle and geodetic applications, J. Inst. Electr. Inform. Comm. Eng., 74, 66-73, 1991. (in Japanese)

Foulger, G.R., C.-H. Jahn, G. Seeber, P. Einarsson, B.R. Julian and K. Heki, Post-rifting stress relaxation at the divergent plate boundary in Northeast Iceland, Nature, 358, 488-490, 1992. comments + abstract full text (pdf)

Heki, K., A network adjustment program for the Bernese Global Positioning System data analysis software, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 38, 309-312, 1992.

Heki, K., 766 days in United Kingdom, CRL News, 198, 1992 Sep. text (in Japanese)

Heki, K., G.R. Foulger, B.R. Julian and C.-H. Jahn, Plate dynamics near divergent boundaries: geophysical implications of postrifting crustal deformation in NE Iceland, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 14279-14297, 1993.comments + abstract full text (pdf) Japanese version (pdf)

Heki, K., Shanghai is coming close, CRL News, 203, 1993 Feb. (in Japanese) full text (pdf)

Heki, K., G.R. Foulger, O. Alp and M. Ergun, The 1989 GPS Campaign in SW Turkey: Data analysis, in Proceedings of XX General Assembly IUGG, Vienna, Austria, 1991, IAG Symposium 109, Permanent Satellite Tracking Networks for Geodesy and Geodynamics, edited by G.L. Mader, Springer Verlag, New York, 131-140, 1993.comments

Heki, K., Measurement of the plate motion, "The latest Earth Science - dynamics over the past 5 billion years", Asahi One Theme Magazine, 11, 118-123, 1993. (in Japanese)

Foulger, G.R., M.A. Hofton, B.R. Julian, C.-H. Jahn and K. Heki, Regional post-diking deformation in Northeast Iceland: a third epoch of GPS measurement in 1992, J. Geod. Soc. Jpn. (CRCM'93 Proceedings Special Issue), 99-105, 1994.

Heki, K., Y. Koyama, N. Kawaguchi, J. Amagai, H. Kuroiwa, S. Hama, Qian Z.-H., Ye S.-H., M. Imae, N. Kurihara, Y. Sugimoto, T. Yoshino, F. Takahashi, H. Kiuchi, Y. Takahashi, H. Takaba, T. Iwata, Y. Hanado, M. Sekido, T. Kondo and A. Kaneko, Movement of the Shanghai station: implication for the tectonics of Eastern Asia, J. Comm. Res. Lab., 42, 65-72, 1995. comments + abstract

Heki, K., Vertical and horizontal crustal movements from three dimensional VLBI kinematic reference frame: implication for the geomagnetic reversal timescale revision, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 3187-3198, 1996.comments + abstract full text (pdf) Japanese version (pdf)

Heki, K., An editor's essay, NAO News, 49, 18, 1996. text (in Japanese)

Iwabuchi, T., K. Heki and I. Naito, Decadal polar motion connected with atmospheric pressure and sea level patterns over the North Atlantic Ocean, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 117: Segawa et al. (eds.), Gravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy, pp. 666-673, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997. full text (pdf)

Heki, K., S. Miyazaki and H. Tsuji, Silent fault slip following an interplate thrust earthquake at the Japan Trench, Nature, 386, 595-597, 1997. comments + abstract full text (pdf) (cited over 300 times)

Heki, K., Space geodetic measurements of the movement and deformation of tectonic plates, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 43, 1-12, 1997. (in Japanese with English abstract) full text (pdf)

Heki, K. and Y. Tamura, Short term afterslip in the 1994 Sanriku-Haruka-Oki earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 3285-3288, 1997. comments + abstract full text (pdf)

Heki, K., The 1994 Sanriku-Haruka-Oki earthquake viewed through a geodetic time window, The Earth Monthly, 20, 14-18, 1998. (in Japanese)

Koyama, Y., N. Kurihara, T. Kondo, M. Sekido, Y. Takahashi, H. Kiuchi and K. Heki, Automated geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry observation and data analysis system, Earth Planets Space, 50, 709-722, 1998.

Heki, K. and K. Matsumoto, Lunar exploration through gravimetry, NAO News, 68, 7-9, 1998. comments (in Japanese)

Tsuda, T., K. Heki, S. Miyazaki, K. Aonashi, K. Hirahara, H. Nakamura, M. Tobita, F. Kimata, T. Tabei, T. Matsushima, F. Kimura, M. Satomura, T. Kato and I. Naito, GPS meteorology project of Japan - Exploring frontiers of geodesy -, Earth Planets Space, 50, i-v, 1998.

Heki, K., S. Shimada and R. Ohtani, GPS data analysis software, Kisho Kenkyu Notes, 192, 73-92, 1998. (in Japanese)

Heki, K., Space geodesy: relationship between errors in atmospheric delay and site coordinates, The Earth Monthly, Special Issue, 25, 73-77, 1999. (in Japanese)

Heki, K., K. Matsumoto and R. Floberghagen, Three-dimensional tracking of a lunar satellite with differential very-long-baseline-interferometry, Adv. Space Res., 23, 1821-1824, 1999. abstract full text (pdf)

Matsumoto, K., K. Heki and D. D. Rowlands, Impact of farside satellite tracking on gravity estimation in the SELENE project, Adv. Space Res., 23, 1809-1812, 1999.

Heki, K., Earth : Three methods to see its interior, AERA Mook, 52, 62-65, 1999. (in Japanese) full text (pdf)

Heki, K., S. Miyazaki, H. Takahashi, M. Kasahara, F. Kimata, S. Miura, N. Vasilenco, A. Ivashchenco and K. An, The Amurian plate motion and current plate kinematics in Eastern Asia, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 29147-29155, 1999.comments + abstract full text (pdf) (cited over 100 times)


Miyazaki, S. and K. Heki, Crustal velocity field of Southwest Japan: subdution and arc-arc collision, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 4305-4326, 2001.comments + abstract full text (pdf) (cited over 200 times)

Heki, K. and S. Miyazaki, Plate convergence and long-term crustal deformation in Central Japan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2313-2316, 2001.comments + abstract full text (pdf) Japanese version

Heki, K., Seasonal modulation of interseismic strain buildup in Northeastern Japan driven by snow loads, Science, 293, 89-92, 2001.comments + abstract full text (html) (pdf)

Miyazaki, S., T. Iwabuchi, K. Heki and I. Naito, An impact of estimating tropospheric gradient on precise positioning in summer using the Japanese nationwide GPS array, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 2335, doi:10.1029/2000JB000113, 2003. full text (pdf)

Iwabuchi, T., S. Miyazaki, K. Heki, I. Naito and Y. Hatanaka, An impact of estimating tropospheric delay gradients on tropospheric delay estimations in the summer using the Japanese nationwide GPS array, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 4315, doi:10.1029/2002JD002214, 2003. full text (pdf)

Heki,K., Snow load and seasonal variation of earthquake occurrence in Japan, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 207, 159-164, 2003. comments + abstract full text (pdf) Japanese version

Ping, J.-S., K. Heki, K. Matsumoto and Y. Tamura, A degree 180 spherical harmonic model for the Lunar topography, Adv. Space Res., 31, 2377-2382, 2003.

Heki, K., Space geodetic observation of deep basal subduction erosion in northeastern Japan, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 219, 13-20, 2004. comments + abstract full text (pdf)

Sugano, T. and K. Heki, High resolution lunar gravity anomaly map from the Lunar Prospector line-of-sight acceleration data, Earth Planets Space, 56, 81-86, 2004. full text (pdf) Proc. 27th Solar System Sci. Symp.

Heki, K., Dense GPS array as a new sensor of seasonal changes of surface loads, in The State of the Planet: Frontiers and Challenges in Geophysics, edited by R. S. J. Sparks and C.J. Hawkesworth, Geophys. Monograph, 150 , 177-196, American Geophysical Union, Washington, 2004. full text (pdf)

Sugano, T. and K. Heki, Isostasy of the Moon from high-resolution gravity and topography data: Implication for its thermal history, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L24703, doi:10.1029/2004GL022059, 2005. full text (pdf)

Heki, K. and J.-S. Ping, Directivity and apparent velocity of the coseismic ionospheric disturbances observed with a dense GPS array, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 236 845-855, 2005. full text (pdf)(cited over 100 times)

Goossens, S., P.N.A.M. Visser, K. Heki, and A.C. Ambrosius, Local gravity from Lunar Prospector tracking data: Results for Mare Serenitatis, Earth Planets Space, 57, 1127-1132, 2005. full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Mysterious relationship between earthquake occurrences and surface loads, Zisin Journal, 41, 5-11, 2006. (in Japanese) full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Explosion energy of the 2004 eruption of the Asama Volcano, Central Japan, inferred from ionospheric disturbances, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L14303, doi:10.1029/2006GL026249, 2006.full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Y. Otsuka, N. Choosakul, N. Hemmakorn, T. Komolmis, and T. Maruyama, Detection of ruptures of Andaman fault segments in the 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake with coseismic ionospheric disturbances, J. Geophys. Res., 111, B09313, doi:10.1029/2005JB004202, 2006. full text (pdf) News article

Heki, K., GPS observations of increases in ionospheric total electron contents associated with solar flares, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 52, 319-328, 2006. (in Japanese with English abstract) full text (pdf)

Ogawa, R. and K. Heki, Slow postseismic recovery of geoid depression formed by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake by mantle water diffusion, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L06313, doi:10.1029/2007GL029340, 2007. full text (pdf) News article

Heki, K., Secular, transient and seasonal crustal movements in Japan from a dense GPS array: implication for plate dynamics in convergent boundaries, in The Seismogenic Zone of Subduction Thrust Faults edited by T. Dixon and C. Moore, 512-539, Columbia University Press, 2007. full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Large earthquakes shakes ionosphere, Naifuru, 63, 4-5, 2007. (in Japanese) full text (pdf)

Furuya, T. and K. Heki, Ionospheric hole behind an ascending rocket observed with a dense GPS array, Earth Planets Space, 60, 235-239, 2008.full text (pdf) Japanese version

Noda, H., K. Heki, and H. Hanada, In situ Lunar Orientation Measurement (ILOM): Simulation of observation, Adv. Space Res., 42, 358-362, 2008.full text (pdf)

Morishita, Y. and K. Heki, Characteristic precipitation patterns of El Nino / La Nina in time-variable gravity fields by GRACE, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 272, 677-682, 2008. full text (pdf) article in Littera Populi (pdf)

Heki, K and T. Kataoka, On the biannualy repeating slow slip events at the Ryukyu Trench, Southwest Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B11402, doi:10.1029/2008JB005739, 2008. full text (pdf)

Sugawara, M. and K. Heki, Crustal deformation of Mars associated with the true polar wander, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 54, 279-282, 2008.full text (pdf)

Matsuo, K. and K. Heki, Seasonal and inter-annual changes of volume density of Martian CO2 snow from time-variable elevation and gravity, Icarus, 202, 90-94, 2009.full text (pdf)

Astafyeva, E. and K. Heki, Dependence of waveform of near-field coseismic ionospheric disturbances on focal mechanisms, Earth Planet. Space, 61, 939-943, 2009.full text (pdf)

Astafyeva, E., K. Heki, V. Kiryushkin, E. Afraimovich, S. Shalimov, Two-mode long-distance propagation of coseismic ionosphere disturbances, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A10307, doi:10.1029/2008JA013853, 2009. full text (pdf)


Matsuo, K. and K. Heki, Time-variable ice loss in Asian high mountains from satellite gravimetry, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 290, 30-36, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.11.053, 2010. full text (pdf) Japanese version News article(cited over 100 times)

Ogawa, R., B. F. Chao, and K. Heki, Seasonal and inter-annual gravity changes in the Siberian permafrost region, The Earth Monthly, 32, 234-238, 2010. full text (pdf) (in Japanese) see also TAO article

Ozeki, M. and K. Heki, Ionospheric holes made by ballistic missiles from North Korea detected with a Japanese dense GPS array, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A09314, doi:10.1029/2010JA015531, 2010.full text (pdf) News article

Heki, K. and K. Matsuo, Coseismic gravity changes of the 2010 earthquake in Central Chile from satellite gravimetry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L24306, doi:10.1029/2010GL045335, 2010. full text (pdf)

Ogawa, R., B. F. Chao, and K. Heki, Acceleration signal in GRACE time-variable gravity in relation to interannual hydrological changes, Geophys. J. Int., 184, 673-679, doi:10.1111/j:1365-246X.2010.04843.x, 2011. full text (pdf)

Heki, K., M. Sugawara, M. Ozeki, and I. Okazaki, Geophysics with GPS-TEC, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 56 (tutorial article), 125-134, 2010. full text (pdf) (in Japanese)

Heki, K., A tale of two earthquakes, Science, 332, 1390-1391, 2011. full text (pdf)

Astafyeva, E. and K. Heki, Vertical TEC over seismically active region during low solar activity, J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 73, 1643-1652, 2011. full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Ionospheric electron enhancement preceding the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L17312, doi:10.1029/2011GL047908, 2011. full text with and without auxiliary material (pdf) Japanese version (pdf) (AGU Blogsphere 2011/09/14) AGU Poster (pdf)(cited over 100 times)

Matsuo, K. and K. Heki, Coseismic gravity changes of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake from satellite gravimetry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L00G12 doi:10.1029/2011GL049018, 2011. full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Do ionospheric anomalies precede large earthquakes?, Kagaku, 81, 1063-1064, 2011. full text (pdf) (in Japanese) Longer version for Naifulu (pdf)

Ozeki, M. and K. Heki, GPS snow depth meter with geometry-free linear combinations of carrier phases, J. Geodesy, 86, 209-219, doi:10.1007/s00190-011-0511-x, 2012. full text (pdf)

Matsuo, K. and K. Heki, Anomalous precipitation signatures of the Arctic Oscillation in the time-variable gravity field by GRACE, Geophys. J. Int., 130, , 1495-1506, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05588.x, 2012. full text (pdf)

Okazaki, I. and K. Heki, Atmospheric temperature changes by volcanic eruptions: GPS radio occultation observations in the 2010 Icelandic and 2011 Chilean cases, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 245-246, 123-127, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.08.018, 2012 full text (pdf)

Kobayashi, Y. and K. Heki, On the polar motion excitations by recent mega-thrust earthquakes, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 58, 89-93, 2012 full text (pdf) (in Japanese)

Mitsui, Y. and K. Heki, Observation of Earth's free oscillation by dense GPS array: After the 2011 Tohoku megathrust earthquake, Sci. Rep., 2, 931, doi:10.1038/srep00931, 2012. full text (pdf)

Heki, K. and Y. Mitsui, Accelerated Pacific Plate subduction following interplate thrust earthquakes at the Japan Trench, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 363, 44-49, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.12.031, 2013. full text (pdf) News article

Yoshida, K. and K. Heki, GPS climatology: Long-term variation of precipitable water vapor in Japan, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 58, 141-152, 2012. full text (pdf)(in Japanese)

Cahyadi, M. N. and K. Heki, Ionospheric disturbances of the 2007 Bengkulu and the 2005 Nias earthquakes, Sumatra, observed with a regional GPS network, J. Geophys. Res.118, 1-11, doi:10.1002/jgra.50208, 2013. full text (pdf)

Matsuo, K. and K. Heki, Current ice loss in small glacier systems of the Arctic Islands from satellite gravimetry, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 24, 657-670, doi:10.3319/TAO2013.02.22.01(TibXS), 2013. full text (pdf)

Mitsui, Y. and K. Heki, Scaling of early afterslip velocity and possible detection of tsunami-induced subsidence by GPS measurements immediately after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Geophys. J. Int., 195, 238-248, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt256, 2013. full text (pdf)

Matsuo, K., B. F. Chao, T. Otsubo, and K. Heki, Accelerated ice mass depletion revealed by low-degree gravity field from Satellite Laser Ranging: Greenland, 1991-2011, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40,, 1-6, doi:10.1002/grl.50900, 2013. full text (pdf)

Heki, K. and Y. Enomoto, Preseismic ionospheric electron enhancements revisited, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 6618-6626, doi:10.1002/jgra.50578, 2013. full text with and without auxiliary material (pdf) Japanese version (pdf)

Maeda, J. and K. Heki, Two-dimensional observations of mid-latitude sporadic-E irregularities with a dense GPS array in Japan, Radio Sci.49, 28-35, doi:10.1002/2013RS005295, 2014. full text (pdf)

Matsuo, K. and K. Heki, Glacier mass balance in Asian high mountains: Reconsideration of satellite gravimetry estimates, Seppyo, 76, 45-57, 2014. full text (pdf)(in Japanese)

Nakashima, Y. and K. Heki, GPS tide gauges using multipath signatures, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 59, 157-162, 2013. full text (pdf)

Hashimoto, M. and K. Heki, Kaula’s rule and its scaling law for the gravity fields of the terrestrial planets and the Moon, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 59, 162-166, 2013. full text (pdf)

Tanaka, Y. and K. Heki, Long- and short-term postseismic gravity changes of megathrust earthquakes from satellite gravimetry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 5451-5456, doi:10.1002/2014GL060559, 2014. full text (pdf)

Nakashima, Y. and K. Heki, Ionospheric hole made by the 2012 North Korean rocket observed with a dense GNSS array in Japan, Radio Sci., 49, doi:10.1002/2014RS005413, 2014. full text (pdf)

Heki, K. and Y. Enomoto, Reply to comment by K. Heki and Y. Enomoto on "Preseismic ionospheric electron enhancements revisited", J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 119., doi:10.1002/2014JA020044, 2014. full text (pdf)


Cahyadi, M. N. and K. Heki, Coseismic ionospheric disturbance of the the large strike-slip earthquakes in North Sumatra in 2012: Mw dependence of the disturbance amplitudes, Geophys. J. Int., 200, 116-129, 2015. full text (pdf)

Heki, K., Crustal deformation studies with GNSS, Parity, 30(4), 2015. full text

Kuo, C. L., L. C. Lee, and K. Heki, Preseismic TEC changes for Tohoku-Oki earthquake: Comparisons between simulations and observations, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci.,26, 63-72. 2015. full text

Mitsui, Y. and K. Heki, Report on a characteristic oscillation about 38 mHz (26 s) in Northeastern Japan following surface wave of the 2011 Tohoku megathrust earthquake, Geophys. J. Int., 202, 419-423, doi:10.1093/gji/ggv147, 2015. full text

Tanaka, Y., K. Heki, K. Matsuo, and N. V. Shestakov, Crustal subsidence observed by GRACE after the 2013 Okhotsk deep-focus earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, doi:10.1002/2015GL063838, 2015. full text

Yi, S., W. Sun, K. Heki, and A. Qian, An increase in the rate of global mean sea level rise since 2010, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42 doi:10.1002/2015GL063902, 2015. full text

Maeda, J. and K. Heki, Morphology and dynamics of daytime mid-latitude sporadic-E patches revealed by GPS total electron content observations in Japan, Earth Planets Space, 67, 89, doi:10.1186/s40623-015-0257-4, 2015. full text

Tanimoto, T., K. Heki, and J. Artru-Lambin, Interaction of Solid Earth, Atmosphere, and Ionosphere. in Treatise on Geophysics, 2nd edition, Vol 4., edited by Gerald Schubert, Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 421-443, 2015.

Heki, K. and Y. Enomoto, Mw dependence of the preseismic ionospheric electron enhancements, J. Geophys. Res. 120, 7006-7020, doi:10.1002/2015JA021353, 2015. full text with and without auxiliary materials (pdf).

Nakashima, Y., K. Heki, A. Takeo, M. N. Cahyadi, A. Aditiya, and K. Yoshizawa, Atmospheric resonant oscillations by the 2014 eruption of the Kelud volcano, Indonesia, observed with the ionospheric Total Electron Contents and seismic signal, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 434, 112-116, 2016. full text

Maeda, J., T. Suzuki, M. Furuya, and K. Heki, Imaging the midlatitude sporadic-E plasma patches with a coordinated observation of space-borne InSAR and GPS total electron content, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 1419–1425, doi:10.1002/2015GL067585, 2016. full text

Saegusa, Y. and K. Heki, Elastic thickness of the Moon estimated from the global admittance of gravity and topography, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 61, 167-171, 2016 (in Japanese with English abstract). full text

Drouin, V. J.-P., K. Heki, F. Sigmundsson, S. Hreinsdottir, and B. G. Ofeigsson, Constraints on seasonal load variations and regional rigidity from continuous GPS measurements in Iceland, 1997-2014, Geophys. J. Int., 205, 1843-1858, doi:10.1093/gji/ggw122, 2016. full text

Arisa, D. and K. Heki, Transient crustal movement in the northern Izu-Bonin arc starting in 2004: A large slow slip event or a slow back-arc rifting event?, Tectonophys., 682, 206-213, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.05.029, 2016. full text

He, L. and K. Heki, Three-dimensional distribution of ionospheric anomalies prior to three large earthquakes in Chile, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 7287-7293, doi:10.1002/2016GL069863, 2016.full text with and without auxilliary materials (pdf).

Tanaka, Y. and K. Heki, GRACE seismology: Review and perspective of satellite gravimetry for earthquake sciences, Zisin 2, Vol.69, pp.69-85, 2017. full text (in Japanese with English abstract)

Wang, W. and K. Heki, Subsurface structures of buried features in lunar Procellarum region, Icarus,291,75-81, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2017.03.025, 2017. full text

Kelley, M. C., W. E. Swartz, and K. Heki, Apparent ionospheric total electron content variations prior to major earthquakes due to electric fields created by tectonic stresses, J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 122, 6689-6695, doi:10.1002/2016JA023601,2017. full text

Arisa, D. and K. Heki, Space geodetic observations of repeating slow slip events beneath the Bonin Islands, Geophys. J. Int., 210, 1494-1502, doi:10.1093/gji/ggx2582017, 2017. full text

He, L. and K. Heki, Ionospheric anomalies immediately before Mw 7.0-8.0 earthquakes, J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 122, 8659–8678, doi:10.1002/2017JA024012, 2017. with and without auxilliary materials (pdf) Parity

Yi, S., C. Song, Q. Wang, K. Heki, and W. Sun, The potential of GRACE gravimetry to detect the heavy rainfall-induced impoundment of a small reservoir in the upper Yellow River, Water Resources Res., 53, 6562-6578, doi:10.1002/2017WR020793, 2017. full text

Tu, Yoko. and K. Heki, Decadal modulation of repeating slow slip event activity in the southwestern Ryukyu Arc possibly driven by rifting episodes at the Okinawa Trough, Geophys. Res. Lett.44, 9308-9313, doi:10.1002/2017GL074455, 2017. full text

Yi, S., K. Heki, and A. Qian, Acceleration in the global sea level rise: 2005-2015, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 11,905-11,913, doi:10.1002/2017GL076129, 2017, full text

Furuya, M., T. Suzuki, J. Maeda, and K. Heki, Midlatitude Sporadic-E episodes viewed by L-band split-spectrum InSAR,Earth Planets Space, 69, 175, doi:10.1186/s40623-017-0764-6, 2017. full text

Muafiry, I. N., K. Heki, and J. Maeda, 3D tomography of mid-latitude sporadic-E in Japan from GNSS-TEC data, Earth Planets Space,70, 45, doi:10.1186/s40623-018-0815-7, 2018. full text

Heki, K., Chapter 5.6 Earth's gravity field and its time variation, from Encyclopedia of Earth Science (edited by M. Toriumi et al.), Asakura Shoten, pp.248, 2018. full text

He, L. and K. Heki, Three-dimensional tomography of ionospheric anomalies immediately before the 2015 Illapel earthquake, central Chile, J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys.,123, doi:10.1029/2017JA024871, 2018. full text

He, L., K. Heki,and L. Wu, Three-dimensional and trans-hemispheric ionospheric electron density changes by the great Solar eclipse in North America on 21 August 2017, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 10,933-10,940, doi:10.1029/2018GL080365, 2018. full text

Hashimoto, M. and K. Heki, Estimation of thrust powers of missiles/rockets by GNSS-TEC observations, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 64, 51-55, doi:10.11366/sokuchi.64.51, 2018. (in Japanese with English abstract and figure captions) full text


Yi, S. and K. Heki, Heterogeneous oceanic mass distribution in GRACE observations and its leakage effect, Geophys. J. Int., 221, 603-616, doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa022, 2020. full text

Enomoto,Y., K. Heki, T. Yamabe, S. Sugiura, and H. Kondo, A possible causal mechanism of geomagnetic variations as observed immediately before and after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, Open J. Earthq. Res., 9, 33-49, doi:10.4236/ojer.2020.92003, 2020. full text

Heki, K., Geodesy in Japan: Legends and highlights, Earth Planets Space, 72:38,doi:10.1186/s40623-020-01164-8, 2020. full text

Yi, S., C. Song, K. Heki, S. Kang, Q. Wang, and L. Chang, Substantial meltwater contribution to the Brahmaputra revealed by satellite gravimetry, The Cryosphere, 14, ,2267-2281, doi:10.5194/tc-14-2267-2020. full text

Arief, S. and K. Heki, GNSS meteorology for disastrous rainfalls in 2017-2019 summer in SW Japan: A new approach utilizing atmospheric delay gradients, Front. Earth Sci., 8,182, doi:10.3389/feart.2020.00182, 2020. full text

Muafiry, I.N.and K. Heki, 3D tomography of the ionospheric anomalies immediately before and after the 2011 Tohoku-oki (Mw9.0) earthquake, J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 125, e2020JA027993, doi:10.1029/2020JA027993, 2020.full text html pdf

Cahyadi, M.N., R.W. Rahayu, K. Heki, and Y. Nakashima, Harmonic ionospheric oscillation by the 2010 eruption of the Merapi volcano, Indonesia, J. Volcanol. Geothermal Res.,405, 107047, 2020. full text

Yuzariyadi, M. and K. Heki, Enhancement of interplate coupling in adjacent segments after recent megathrust earthquakes, Tectonophys., doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228719, 2021. full text

Kundu, B., B. Senapati, A. Matsushita,and K. Heki, Atmospheric wave energy of the 2020 August 4 explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, from ionospheric disturbances, Sci. Rep., 11,2793, 2021. full text html pdf.

Heki, K., Chapter 21: Ionospheric Disturbances Related to Earthquakes in Ionospheric Dynamics and Applications, Geophys. Monograph, 260, edited by C. Huang, G. Lu, Y. Zhang, and L. J. Paxton, pp.511-526, Wiley/American Geophysical Union, ISBN:978-1-119-50755-0, doi:10.1002/9781119815617.ch21,2021. pdf

Zhan, W., K. Heki, S. Arief, and M. Yoshida, Topographic amplification of crustal subsidence by the rainwater load of the 2019 typhoon Hagibis in Japan, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth,126, Issue 6, doi:10.1029/2021JB021845, 2021.full text html pdf supplement

Cahyadi, M.N., E. Y. Handoko, R.W. Rahayu, and K. Heki, Comparison of volcanic explosions in Japan using impulsive ionospheric disturbances, Earth, Planets Space, 73, 228.doi:10.1186/s40623-021-01539-5, 2021. full text

Heki, K. and S. Arief, Crustal response to heavy rains in Southwest Japan 2017-2020, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,578, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117325, 2022. full text. with without supplementary materials

Heki, K. and T. Fujimoto, Atmospheric modes excited by the 2021 August eruption of the Fukutoku-Okanoba volcano, Izu-Bonin Arc, observed as harmonic TEC oscillations by QZSS, Earth Planets Space, 74, 27, doi:10.1186/s40623-022-01587-5, 2022. html pdf

He, L., L. Wu, K. Heki, and C. Guo, The conjugated ionospheric anomalies preceding the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Front. Earth Sci., 10, 850078, doi:10.3389/feart.2022.850078, 2022. html pdf

Heki, K., Ionospheric signatures of repeated passages of atmospheric waves by the 2022 Jan. 15 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption detected by QZSS-TEC observations in Japan,Earth, Planets and Space, 74:112, doi:10.1186/s40623-022-01674-7, 2022 html  pdf

Hata, S., S. Sugiyama, and K. Heki, Abrupt drainage of Lago Greve, a large proglacial lake in Chilean Patagonia, observed by satellite in 2020, Comm. Earth Environment, 3, 190 doi:10.1038/s43247-022-00531-5, 2022. html pdf

Muafiry, I.N., I. Meilano, K. Heki, D. D. Wijaya, and K. A. Nugraha, Ionospheric disturbances after the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption above Indonesia from GNSS-TEC observations, Atmosphere, 13, 1015 doi:10.3390/atmos13101615, 2022. html pdf

Heki, K., M.S. Bagiya, and Y. Takasaka, Slow fault slip signatures in coseismic ionospheric disturbances, Geophys. Res. Lett.49, e2022GL101064, doi:10.1029/2022GL101064, 2022. html pdf with or without supplements

Zheng, S., K. Heki, Z. Zhang, Y. Tokui, and H. Yan, Interference of ocean and land mass changes in seasonal crustal deformation of coastal stations: A case study in norhern Australia, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 614, 118212, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118212, 2023. html

Heki, K., and S. Jin, Geodetic studies on earth surface loading with GNSS and GRACE, Satellite Navigation, 4:24, doi:10.1186/s43020-023-00113-6, 2023. html pdf

Bagiya, M. S., K. Heki, and V. K. Gahalaut, Anisotropy of the near-field coseismic ionospheric perturbation amplitudes reflecting the source process: The 2023 February Turkey earthquakes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL103931, doi:10.1029/2023GL103931, 2023. html pdf

Muafiry, I. N., D. D. Wijaya, I. Meilano, and K. Heki, Diverse ionospheric disturbances by the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption observed by a dense GNSS array in New Zealand, J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 128, e2023JA031486, doi:10.1029/2023JA031486, 2023. html

Tiwari, S. H., M. S. Bagiya, S. Maurya, K. Heki, and A. P. Dimri, On the role of volcanic plume heights in the excitation of free oscillations of the solid earth and the atmosphere: case study, Adv. Space Res., 73, 2988-2998, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2024.01.001, 2024.html

Heki, K., Atmospheric resonant oscillations by the 2022 January 15 eruption of the Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha'apai volcano from GNSS-TEC observations, Geophys. J. Int., 236, 1840-1847, doi:10.1093/gji/ggae023, 2024. html pdf

Moudgill, P.S., S. G. Rao, and K. Heki, Bridging the temporal gaps in GRACE/GRACE–FO terrestrial water storage anomalies over the major Indian river basins using deep learning, Natural Resources Res., doi:10.1007/s11053-024-10312-w, 2024.html

Heki, K., M. Nakatani, and W. Zhan, Ionospheric changes immediately before the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Adv. Space Res., 73, 4539-4545, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2024.02.011, 2024.html

Heki, K., Decoding multiple source signatures in coseismic ionospheric disturbances of the 2024 January Mw7.5 Noto-Peninsula earthquake, Central Japan, Earth Planet. Sci., Lett., 640, 118796, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2024.11879, 2024.html

Zheng, S., K. Heki, Z. Zhang, H. Yan, Seasonal crustal movements in NE Japan revisited, Remote Sensing of Environment, 311, 114278, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2024.114278, 2024. html

Heki, K., GNSS Applications for Ionospheric Seismology and Volcanology, Chapter 8, GNSS Monitoring of the Terrestrial Environment: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Climate Changes edited by Y. Aoki and C. Kreemer, Part I, Monitoring earthquakes and volcanoes with GNSS, Elsevier, 2024.

Ray, S., B. Senapati, B. Kundu, and K. Heki, A global perspective on the Interaction between Earth's magnetic field and ionospheric disturbances, Adv. Space Res., doi:10.1016/j.asr.2024.06.072, 2024.html

Usman, M. and K. Heki, Satellite gravity observations on the state of groundwater level variability in the Arabian Peninsula region and the associated socio-economic sustainability challenges, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, doi:10.1016/j.gsd.2024.101270, 2024.html

Fujimoto, T., M. Furuya, K. Heki, Fine structure of a daytime mid-latitude sporadic-E revealed by GNSS TEC, InSAR, and MAI, Earth Planets Space, in press, 2024.

Kosuke Heki (email: