!-- WDC-C2 for Geomag., KYOTO AE index hourly values download --> Geomagnetic AE index hourly values download

WDC-C2 KYOTO AE index download service

The Final AE (AE, AL and AU) index is published yearly in IAGA Bulletin No.32 series, under the title 'GEOMAGNETIC DATA IAGA INDICES: aa, am, Kp, AE, AE, rapid variations.' publised for the International Council of Scientific Unions with the financial assistance of Unesco through the mediation of the Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical data analyses Centers. The books are published by 'ISGI Publications Office, 4 Aveneue de Neptune F-94107 Saint Maur des Fosse Cedex, France.'

AE index was derived by Univ. of Alask since 1957 till 1955, by GSFC, NASA in 1955, and by WDC-A for STP, Boulder (Joe Allen et al.) from 1966 through 1995. There is a period which is not covered yet between 1976 and 1977. Since 1978 WDC-C2 for Geomagnetism, Kyoto is in charge of derivation of AE index. Final AE index is a free data set, and you may download the final AE index and use them in your analyses free. However, you are requested to acknowledge 'WDC-C2 Kyoto AE index service, AE stations and the persons who derive the index' or make reference to the IAGA Bulletin No32 in your paper.

As of 1988, AE stations for final AE index are: Abisko (Sweden), Dixon Island, Cape Chelyuskin, Tixie Bay, Cape Welen (Russia), College, Barrow (USA), Yellowknife, Fort Churchill, Post de la Balein (Canada), Narsarsuaq (Geenland, Denmark), Leirvogur (Iceland). There are other many stations used to calibrate the index. As of 1999, AE index is derived by T. Kamei, T. Araki and M. Sugiura with help of colleagues of WDC-C2 Kyoto and WDC-C2 NIPR.

You can download AE index in 120Byte/day ASCII format either in ZIP a compressed image (approx.45Kbyte/file), or in a plain text image (approx. 10Kbyte/file) which may not be downloaded to a file and may be shown on your display instead.

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