Who am I?

The dog in the right picture is my lovely dog, Hanako, a mikaeri bijin :-) .

Name : Tatsuya Yamashita

Interests: KdV equation, soliton, modon, coherent structure, mountain wave, lee waves, hydraulic jump, cloud physics, condensation of major atmospheric component, supersaturation, moist convection etc

Origin : Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

Birthday : 10/02/1985

Hobby: Baseball (especially, breaking ball), Piano(playing and composition), Sleeping after lunch, Visiting historical places(ruined castles, temples, graves) etc


PSG(Planetary and Space Group)

GFDLab(in Japanese)

Presentation and publications(in Japanese)

Master Thesis(in Japanese)

Bachelor Thesis(in Japanese)

Hobby(Composition of classical music, in Japanese)

Hobby(Breaking ball, in Japanese)